
Don’t need a lover,

Don’t need a friend

Just need a muse

So I can write again

Sunday afternoon

Or arvo as she’d say

Rolling Stones on

Listening to Keef play

Bottle of whisky

Close at hand

All the ever wanted to do

Was play in a rock n roll band

Well yeah don’t need a lover,

Don’t need another friend

Just need a muse

So I can write again

So dance into my life

Shake it up baby

Give me some strife

Too calm too quiet at night

Annoy me bother me

Be like a nagging wife

Don’t need a lover,

Don’t need a friend

Just need a muse

So I can write again

Yeah, I just need a muse

So I can write-again.

©2021 Graham K. Egli

All Rights Reserved

Rainforest Lady

She lives on the island

Though her hearts back east

Absorbing rainy days in dampness

She thinks of snow blowing in the streets

Loves to laugh and listens to country music

Nor shy to enjoy a dance and a drink or two

She means so much to you

Her boys, yeah now their grown

Though still their mom,

They now have women of their own

Her holidays can drag

With only memories of before

Still she carry’s on

Ever growing, learning

Always seeking new and more

Her eyes flash with brilliance

As her smile lights the room

Living caring for others

It’s just what she wants to do

Her urge to feel needed always shining through

And try as you might to deny it

She means so much to you

She’s as happy hiking the wooded trail

Or catching fish on the river

As travelling to a sunny shore

Real as the day is long

Authentic to a fault

The girl next door, though with twice the life smarts

Yeah there’s times

She can be moody or upset

But it passes quickly

You soon forget

Her feet get cold in winter

While a tasteful meal she can cook

Chilling with her dog Smudge and her cat named Boots

And you know it , and some days she knows it too

Even when not spoken

Truth is, she’s grown

To mean so much to you.

©2021 Graham K. Egli

All Rights Reserved